Use software to manage and monitor livestock, improve yields, cut food loss and waste, and reduce costs across the food supply chain.
You might want to enable data-driven decision-making, letting you send food to the right market and get the best price. You might want to offer consumers greater transparency, attract younger talent, or maximise your output through vertical farming.
Working together, we can explore the problem your farm or agribusiness faces in depth. This allows us to set the right KPIs and make sure there is a clear business case for developing this product.
Work with specialists to achieve value
Having worked with the agriculture industry before, we know how important it is to ensure that a product creates value for your business.
Our pre-development process includes scoping and discovery workshops that fully explore your problem in detail. This means we can both make sure we understand what we’re going to build, why, and how we can measure our progress towards achieving it.
Drive agribusiness profit and performance
Gather data and make information access equal
Collect and analyse data to make your agriculture business more profitable. Even back in 2014, the average farm could produce nearly 200 000 data points per day.
In another few decades, each farm could produce over 4 million data points. Analyse these to lower transaction costs, sell in the right place at the right time, and build farm management systems that maximise your sustainability and resilience.
Question what you’re doing and how
Work with a technical team that integrates with your existing business. So closely in fact, that we sometimes push back against suggestions if we’re not sure that’s the best way to get you what you want.
You’re a specialist in your part of the agriculture industry. We’re a specialist in ours. We can help you analyse the impact your tech can have on everything you do and develop a solution based on real user data so you know you’re getting a solution that actually does the job.
Prepare for the future of the agriculture industry
The COVID-19 pandemic, where stories about empty supermarket shelves and farmers needing to destroy food went hand in hand, highlighted failings in the food system.
Implementing digital solutions can minimise this kind of inefficiency. IoT systems for things like livestock management and irrigation can improve output. New consumer tastes can be managed by enabling things like greater transparency in food production.
Whether your farm is arable or livestock, monoculture or nature-friendly, lowland or arable – or you’re in any part of the food production and agriculture industry – a properly developed digital solution can transform the way you work.
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