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The world is changing, whether we like it or not. Businesses have had to adapt to a digital age and faster than anyone could have anticipated. The difference between the business that will succeed and the ones left behind will be their willingness to embrace digital change. businesses that are willing to embrace the digital age are 26% more profitable than their peers. We have to be able to adapt if we want to survive

There are a few things to consider when making the transformation to digital, but where to begin? 

●      Will you digitalise your current model, or will you implement a whole new one? 

●      What are the objectives behind the transformation—improving employee productivity or enhancing customer satisfaction? 

The bottom line is, what does the digital experience look like for your brand, and how are you going to implement it?

1. Customer Focus 

According to Blake Morgan author and “customer experience” leader, “It’s not the companies with the best technology that win; it’s the companies with the best customer experience mindset.” This is because of two reasons. First, customers are looking for an experience and not just things. Second, the power has shifted to the customer now more than ever because of increased technology. As a result, bad experiences are exposed more rapidly, leaving companies blindsided with bad reviews. 

Amazon has been identified as one of the more significant “customer experience” companies. However, what is separating them from the rest is their ability to cater to the customer at every level of the business.

2. Change Management 

One of the most common obstacles is people’s dislike of change. You can set up the best digital technology, but if you don’t have employees that are willing to grow and get out of their comfort zones, you will not succeed. 

3. Transformational Leadership

Digital transformation requires leadership that inspires people to embrace change. Blake Morgan has five characteristics identified for transformational leadership.

Energy for Influencing Change: 

Positive, caring, motivational, and high levels of communication


Approachable, good listeners, empathetic, flexible, and respectful

Demonstrate Good Judgement: 

Agile thinkers, decisive, and forward-thinking

Problem Solvers: 

Creative and innovative

A consistency say: do ratio:

Transparent, trustworthy, and honest

Decisions need to involve the whole c-suit, and decision-making needs to include open dialogue for new technology to work. 

4. Integration of Data & Internal Customer Experience

Integration of data is not being optimised because it’s being built around company needs instead of customer needs. Morgan Blake states, “The best companies for customer experience are the same as those that appear on the best or top companies ratings.” So the major contributing factor is an optimal customer experience directly linked to how companies are also treating their employees. 

Final Thoughts

While digitalisation of business has become necessary and companies need to adapt as quickly as possible, they also need to ensure it is done correctly. Companies that try to implement new systems without covering all elements will likely end up with new digital systems that simply don’t work. Digital transformation requires planning, open communication, and most importantly, a model that revolves around a positive customer experience mindset and transformational leadership, which nurtures change in the workplace.

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